Friday, February 3, 2017

February Fun Facts!

The King's Port Inn is hoping everybody is enjoying the month of February! Even though it's snowy and cold, there are still plenty of good reasons to visit Kennebunkport. Lots of good restaurants and shops are open year round. Also, there are many outdoor activities to be enjoyed in Maine; such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice fishing. We are located only 1 1/2 hour away from major ski resorts and there are many local nature trails in the area. We hope you get out and enjoy yourselves.
In honor of February, we would like to present some fun facts about the month of February!
1. In early history, there was no February! The Romans developed a 10 month calendar that began with the spring equinox in March and ended in December.
2. It is believed the reason why February was overlooked when this calendar was created, was that winter weather had little to do with the harvest in the northern hemisphere.
3. The Romans essentially considered the winter a period of time with no distinctive months.
4. The second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, wanted the calendar more accurate, so he synchronized it with the actual lunar year, which is roughly 354 days long. Thus, two months were created; January and February.
5. At that time, both January and February had 28 days. But because Romans believed even numbers were bad luck, they added a day to January to make it 29 days long. February was left untouched, remaining the "unlucky" month for honoring the dead and performing rites of purification. The word February derives from "februum" which means purification.
6. Julius Caesar changed this lunar calendar to a solar based calendar, and 10 days were added to the year.
7. February remains the shortest month of the year, and as a result,it has some unique attributes. Once every six years, February is the only month that has four, full seven-day weeks. Also, in leap years, it is the only month that begins and ends on the same weekday.
8. People born on the leap year technically celebrate their birthday only once every four years, but most observe it on the 28th.
9. Americans celebrate Valentine's Day and Groundhog's Day in the month of February. Also, the birth of two presidents(Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12th and George Washington Feb. 22nd), and Black History Month.
10. February is a time for families, especially in Canada, where Family Day is celebrated on the third Monday of the month in many provinces.
We hope you enjoyed these fun facts. The King's Port Inn has availability for the month of February. We have premium rooms with king beds for only $89 a night. We also have Jacuzzi Suites for only $119 a night. Each room includes free continental breakfast, free wi fi, and free parking. To make a reservation, please call us at 1-800-286-5767. We would be happy to hear from you.
Happy February!
The King's Port Inn